Happy in the Home

Square Foot Gardening
This February we decided to plant our own garden the "Square Foot" way...With the help of my children we planted string beans, tomatoes, sugar snap peas, herbs, wild flowers, radishes, cabbage and spinache.

 First we built the boxes and filled them with compost, mulch, etc..(we followed Mel Bartholemew's  "Guide to Square Foot Gardening" Book).We planted our seeds. SOme seeds required to be planted indoors while seeds such as the sugar snap peas were sturdy enough to withstand the remaining colder months until they were ready to srpout in the warm spring weather.
Everyone wanted to help!
Next we put our dividers on
More seed planting

In late March the plants began to grow. It is amazing to see the seeds that you planted come to life.
By May our sugar snap peas took over the boxes!